• What payment methods are accepted?

    We currently only accept cash or check written out to ‘Pacific Gateway Center’. Please state in the notes ‘for Na Kupuna Makamae Center’.

  • Do I have to be a senior to take the class?

    Not at all! We are an intergenerational community center open to all ages. Children must be accompanied by their parent(s) or guardian(s) at all times.

  • Are the classes continous?

    Yes, all classes are continuous and are not only till the end of the month. Our schedule is released monthly. Any dates where we will not host a class will be listed in the class’s description.

  • How far in advance can I register for a class?

    Class registration may only be for dates that are posted. We do not accept registrations for unposted dates that are months in advance.

  • May I arrive early to the class?

    Given parking constraints and consideration of your personal safety, we would appreciate it if you can arrive only 15 minutes before class time.

  • May I leave my car in the parking lot?

    As we are a private parking lot with towing, please do not leave your car in the parking lot and leave the premises without notifying the front desk first. Parking is only for visitors of NKMC.

  • How do I sign up for a class?

    At the bottom of the class/event page, there is a signup form that you can fill out. Or call (808) 773-7047 (ext 1). You may also send an email to carmenlee@pacificgatewaycenter.org.

    Please note that Lauhala registration is separate and does not use the website’s form. Click into the Lauhala class main page (click on the name) and look for the black button that says “Lauhala (month) 2023 Sign-Up”. It will take you to the sign-up form on signup.com. This is currently the only way to register for Lauhala classes.

  • Am I allow to bring my pets?

    Pets are not allowed at the Center. A service animal may accompany you and we will ask questions to determine that they are “individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of an individual with a disability. Emotional, support, therapy, or companion animals that are not trained to perform a task for a person with a disability are NOT service animals.”